

Thursday, April 23, 2015

✿ See You Again

When there is a will, there is a way. 


我为了自己 努力 

我努力 不是为了讨好你


请对我们 一视同仁 

请你把我们 当成成人对待

请你 不要自以为是

老师 又怎样

I will work hard, for my own future. 

As a teacher, please behave like a teacher.

Please understand and make clear of yourself that,

you are actually teaching 19 year old students.

We have our own mind and idea, 

because we are considered as an adult.

When other teachers can treating us like an adult, why not you?

Whats so special with the "special one" until you need to special mention about it?

Do you know the feeling of being insult and sarcasm by a teacher?

I think it is better to be direct and straight forward instead of pretending like you very sensible.

Please, just to let know you that,

when I got a good result, 

I will not thank you.

I will not care on what you think on me, 

I'll just be myself and do everything for myself.

When you are not treating me like an adult, 

I'll not acting like an adult.

I feel thankful to have you in my life, 

to warn myself not to become like you,

to let myself know that there is still somebody that worst than you.

I put more attention on attitude than results. 

I can use my attitude to built a better results,

but results can't form a good attitude.

20 days more to go. 

Let's fight for our future. wink*

Friday, January 9, 2015

½ The 3 months

"Honestly, a lil of tired. "

I told him this, today. 

Am I crazy? Haha I don't know.

I am feeling tired, but not giving up.

I always asking myself, can I give up?

But the answers are always no. 

Have you ever ask yourself how much I love you?

"All of me love all of you."

Do you know why I cry because of you?

Do you know why I never tell you I am crying?

Do you know why I am always worrying about you?

Because I love you.

Have ever think about what I have done for you?

I seriously have no idea I mean how much for you.

I am after what? I've no idea.

Maybe, you love yourself, your life more than me.

You can just leave me alone there and waiting for your reply.

You will never know how it feels like.

Because you either don't care or I never treat you so.

You know what? I am a girl.

But, I am the one who waits for your reply, everyday. 

I am a girl. 

But, I am the one who waits you go to your bed.

I am a girl.

But, I don't know what to say anymore.

Do you know that I cried because of worrying you?

You'll never know. 

I don't know what I am doing now.


是啊 我也是这么想的


当你在他玩乐的时候遇见他 就注定没办法和他长相思守

当你在他想安定下来的时候遇见了他 就注定有个结局 

仅此如此 男人

今天 我可以小小带过 那明天呢

我 有点累了 但是我不想放弃

我觉得啊 我一点也不难懂 

我觉得啊 只要我对一个人坦白 我就是一个很容易被理解的人

你知道吗 你其实根本就是个了解我的人

只是你不愿意对我好 不愿意对我体贴

因为你不愿意改变你自己 对吧

也许 就是 你不够爱我呗

不然 你不会有那么多借口的

我是一个很实际很理智的女生 特理智

就算很难过很难过 还是会很理智的听着你的话

你既然可以提出你对我有多么不好 那为啥只提不改呢

原因应该只有一个 因为你不愿意 

我妈说啊 一个人不管是男是女 只要他足够爱你 要改啥都行

所以吧 你未来的女朋友 该感谢感谢我

也许你会因为我 而更懂得爱别的女孩儿 ..

我 就不期望我们了呗 即便我还是希望未来

现在 的我们  既没有轰轰烈烈 也没有细水长流 .

而我 也答应过你 我不会离开你 除非你要我离开

我会做到的 直到有一天你爱上别的他 我便会自动离开

我不是死皮赖脸 不想死缠烂打 

我 只想做个有性格的自己 


因为你 我变得没有原则 没有原来的那股强悍

因为你 我妥协了许多 放下了许多的面子

母后说我很好 对你也很好 

我骄傲地笑了笑 是啊 我的确很好

只要是我爱的 我便会全心全意 :)